
Queensland was one of our favourite destinations. And it's not hard to see why. With its sub-tropical weather, endless and untouched golden sandy beaches, rustic country towns, friendly locals and diverse and beautiful landscape you can't fail to enjoy it all.


Photos par Blandine et Will Boon
Dernière mise à jour 31 Octobre 2005

La cascade du Parc Paronella, Queensland, Australie

The Bow of the Maheno, Merchant Marine Ship, Fraser Island, Australia
Rusting shipwreck reamins of the luxury passenger ship, Maheno, fraser island queensland, australia
Welcome to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Relaxing in the pool, Contiki Resort, Great Keppel Island, Queensland
Blandine goes for a swim in the ocean, deserted beach, Queensland, Australia
Paradise: Contiki Resort, Great Keppel Island, Queensland, Australia
Two Japanese girls stroll through downtown Kuranda, Queensland, Australia
Blandine trouve le nouriture que elle les aime : bananas
Early evening sunlight over a sugar cane field, northern Queensland, Australia
Yorkeys Know, Queensland, Australia
Australian flag at Sunset, Fraser Island, Queensland
Modern art at the Brisbane Museum of Contemporary Art, Queensland
Trailing fig tree, Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia
Under the canopy of Fraser Island's interior, Queensland
All aboard the Cairns to Kuranda Scenic Railway, Australia
An eerie night sky over Great Keppel Island, Queensland
Sunset over another deserted beach, Queensland, Australia
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